Friday 6 January 2017


Image result for tomboy gothic clothes

week2 day 3 so i am doing a flight and it is three flights also it is 33h and 44m and that is very long
so this flight is to wellington to Italy malan.

Image result for scones high teaImage result for mixed berry yogurt symbio

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day 5 week 3 chapter 7 hello so i have to do like a thing to do with the language. so yeah um in Italy they say good morning in buongiorno. they say arrivederic of saying goodbye. Quanto Costa is what they of how much does this cost. Quando passa li prossimo autobus is what they say of when is the next bus. Dov e l ospedale piu vicino that they say of where is the nearest hospital. Day 6 time for breakfast so i have to compare what i have for breakfast and what they have for breakfast the Italians. So what do i have for breakfast? Well i have pancakes with golden syrup also i eat some mixed berry yogurt as well and a mixed berry smoothie. what people have for breakfast in your country have for breakfast? Well they have scones coffee,omelette's. So question number 3 is do you per fer your breakfast or they're breakfast i would proplay my one but also them as well but only the scones because pancakes are so more good also i don't like omelettes but i do like the scone's so yeah.
Image result for omelet

Hello every one it is chapter 14 and the first day of February and i would like to say that is everyone okay and everyone had a good day for the first day of February and i am turning 12 this year and i hope everybody will have another good month this month so yeah that was chapter 14 so i will see you in chapter 15 and do you know that there is another  two movies i want to see this year and next year and that is pirates of the Caribbean and Harry potter so i would realy like to see it both of them so yeah bye everybody and keep being joyful and happy.

Image result for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Image result for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales     

Image result for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

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Image result for harry potter young together      Related image       Image result for harry potter together young

wow chapter 17 part 2 movies um okay movies i like old movies and new movies too and movies at the cinemas right now so yeah there are a lot of movies that you found out and leave a comment down below which one is your favourite chapter 18 part 2 coming up.
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Image result for edward scissorhands poster    Related image    Related image

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Image result for alice in wonderland 2       Image result for hairspray  Related imageRelated image

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Image result for resident evil the final chapter       Image result for grease     Related image   Image result for doctor strange    Image resultImage result for step up 2    Image result for my girl      Image result for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug      Image result for lord of the rings 
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okay chapter 21 the Itallian flag so the italian flag is red green and white also there are facts okay so i will put them down below and then you can have a look at them.

The flag of Italy is a tricolour featuring three equally sized vertical pales of green, white and red, with the green at the hoist side. Its current form has been in use since 18 June 1946 and was formally adopted on 1 January 1948. Wikipedia
Adopted on1 January 1948
Image result for italy flag     So thats all but i will see you in chapter 22 bye and have a nice day or life or whatever.
Chapter 22 okay so on the map of the world it has italy on in the upper pacific sea and also it is very hot at the summer time and in autum it gets really cold staight up the pad it gets super cold like you are in winter but in winter it is much colder it's almost as cold as alastica then in spring they get warm as staight after. Anyway that is that and i will put pictures in. and i will see you in chapter 23 bye.
Image result for italy in summer weather     Image result for italy in summer weather 

Image result for italy in summer weather      Image result for italy in autumnImage result for italy in autumn    Image result for italy in winterImage result for italy in autumn

Image result for italy in winter     Related imageRelated image    Related image   Image result for italy in springImage result for italy in spring  Image result for italy in spring   Related image

Image result for italy in spring   Image result for italy on world map

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Well hello i know it has been a long time since i have  been writing an update and yes i have not been updated for 5 months now so i decided to update a little bit anyway it is term 3 now one more term to go and my year 7 year will be gone and four more months until the year has gone man this year has gone fast next thing you know it will be 2018 wow any way i have bean looking at skulls lately and also on Wednesday the 9th of august 2017 my school throwed a disco and i went to the disco and it was pretty cool there was a smoke machine where everyone was inhaling smoke and pretending to smoke but after that everybody got high like they got high on weed . also i got a little high and i was dancing crazy but i enjoyed and it ended at 9 o clock at night. also i will be posting wahtever pictures above okay bye.

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am i a tomboy or a girly girl well i am a tomboy and Gothic basically i don't love pink i love the other colours except for pink and yeah so that is short i will see you in December or November bye.
oh an also i will show up girly girl clothes just to compare.

Image result for tomboy gothic clothesRelated imageImage result for tomboy gothic clothesImage result for tomboy clothesImage result for girly girl clothesImage result for girly girl clothes teenagersImage result for girly girl clothes teenagersImage result for girly girl clothes teenagersImage result for tomboy clothes

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Image result for gothic tomboyImage result for gothic tomboyImage result for gothic tomboyImage result for gothic tomboyRelated imageRelated imageImage result for gothic tomboyImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsRelated imageImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfitsImage result for girly girl outfits

Image result for gothic outfits
Image result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfitsRelated imageImage result for gothic outfits

Image result for gothic outfits<Related imageImage result for gothic outfitsImage result for gothic outfits

AirlineDepartsArrivesFlightsEconomyPremium EconomyBusiness
Flights table

Saturday 04 February 2017
3 flights
33h 40m
Transit Auckland (3h 25m)Tokyo (5h 25m)


skycouch on board

Not available
on this flight